A few of my Favorite things

my project board

My sweet Joe encouraged me to share some of my favorite crafty things because I'm always online searching for inspiration with my morning cup of coffee.  I of course said no at first, but his idea had taken hold so here I am.  Sharing.  

Right now I'm loving the 30 Day Coloring Challenge created by the kind and talented Kathy Raccoosin. She is encouraging people to color for 30 days for even as little as 10 minutes.  She has thrown in some prizes to make it extra fun.  Read all about it here.  Don't be shy.   She has creating this amazing and encouraging community of crafty people to travel with on this coloring journey.  

Watercoloring has taken over in paper crafting and it is a tricky medium.  The Watercolor Misfit has lovely videos on Youtube that share her tips and tricks.  My favorite one is about autumn leaves.

Lately friends have asked about art journaling.  Specifically how I got started.  Here is a link to the video that started me on my merry way.  Vicky Papaioannou still inspires me.

I want to give a shout out to my friend Anne who is so talented at modern calligraphy.  Check her out on Instagram.

I have to give a shout out to my sweet Joe.  He is quite the writer.  You can spy on him here and find out about our little town.   http://joeherringjr.blogspot.com/   

Feel like taking a peek at my little Etsy store Pink Bunkadoo?  